Carmen Rendell, Founder & Co-Creator
Who am I?
A joiner of dots. I love to connect people, find solutions, create and inspire. A walker. On a curious journey of love.
Why is Soulhub important to me?
At the core of what Soulhub does, is help others understand themselves better and to express themselves more fully and authentically. If we as humans don’t thrive, then we cease to exist. For me a life shared, is so much more fulfilling and joyful, and it’s only through our conditioning that we feel we’re anything less than whole. My pleasure in life comes from bringing people together, and the moment they see for themselves that there are possibilities of living differently.
Andrew Cuerden, Co-Creator
Who am I?
Ah, one of the oldest and most profound questions of life. I guess fundamentally I am just a single individualised manifestation of Source Energy or God or Universe, like everyone else, that is enjoying dancing between this world of polarities. I love to curiously explore and experience all aspects of life both physical and metaphysical. I am passionate about bringing about harmony through greater awareness, perspective and presence.
Why is Soulhub important to you?
Soulhub for me is about bridging worlds that lead us to create safe meeting places within the storms of life. A clearing in the jungle, beyond right and wrong where we can all meet and find like-hearted connection in our humanity.