
Dr Henda Haworth

Physician/Holistic Health Consultant

Gift: Henda’s gift is to help you discover (remember) that you possess the power to heal yourself.

Biography: She completed her MBChB degree in 1999 at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Henda has worked as a General Practitioner and Emergency Physician in Africa, South and South-East Asia and Europe.

Her special interest in true health has steered her towards alternative and energy medicine for the  past 25 years.

Lifestyle modification, nutrition, plant medicine, breath work practices, yoga, qigong, meditation, tapping, compassionate self-inquiry, fasting and detoxification are some of the modalities that form part of her life.

She is also a certified Yin Yoga teacher and daily qigong practitioner.

Exercise: Henda’s physical healing journey started with her love for exercise and adventure. She competed in field hockey, swimming, triathlon and adventure racing. When she met her husband, Martin, working as an outdoor facilitator at Outward Bound, she found rock climbing and sailing.

Exercise has been life-saving at certain times in her life. It has also revealed some unhealthy core beliefs and challenges.

Constant striving and comparing brought matters of avoidance and lack of self-love, to name a few, to the foreground.

Finding Yoga and Transcendental Meditation in her twenties was a definite turning point.

Life: In 2010 the family bought a 53ft sloop named “Sea Jade” and set sail from Cape Town with their girls, aged 5 and 7.

They cruised and lived aboard for 5 years while visiting Namibia, St Helena, Ascension, Cape Verde islands, the Açores archipelago, Ireland, Isle of Man and Scotland.

In a desperate search for sunshine, while cruising the magnificent Scottish lochs, they headed to Portugal. Here they also found an unspoilt piece of land in the Western Algarve and great surfing beaches.

With the help of friends and volunteers, Martin has built their home, wooden cabins and the Eco Bushcamp in this hidden valley. They now live an active and wholesome life with solar energy and sweet spring water.

Life in the bush, although challenging at times, is slow and rewarding.

Henda’s daily challenge/focus is

*to slow down and find beauty and peace in the small things that surround her.

*Letting go and acceptance of what is.

Her Approach: We are often looking for complicated solutions to our struggles, thinking that the answer is outside of us; that we need to go on some big quest to find it.

Only to discover that it is within us.

We are it.

With Henda, you can find where you are on the spectrum of healing.

Offering perspective, she can help you discover your innate potential and continue this journey of self-healing with the guidance of appropriate therapists.

Through connecting to the universal energy; unblocking, flowing and harmonising, you can find your way back on your path of growth, vitality and potential.

Together, on our separate journeys to healing and oneness, we can support each other in living our healthiest lives.

Offers: She offers Online Consultations, and retreats with her soulful husband, Martin (father, sailor, engineer, adventurer, breath worker and all-round good guy), and together they offer small, bespoke retreats in South West Portugal.

Detoxification, organic and plant-based nutrition, daily qigong, Yin Yoga, breath work, wild swimming, forest bathing and plant medicine experiences are part of what they offer.

Why we love Henda: Introduced via our trusted friend Sue Camp may years ago, we’ve held a retreat with Henda and Martin, and we fell in love with the land and their family. Henda is unique in so many ways. She sees the world from a number of perspectives and is both logical and mystical in how she sees things unfolding, and how she allows them to unfold. She’s spirited, strong, yet vulnerable, and she knows her stuff and gets stuff done. She has a huge heart, and although at times, is happy hidden away in the valley, she also knows she has so much to offer the world, that she can’t stay there for ever.

How to Book: Contact Henda to tailor your experience – Airport pick-up and drop-off and everything in between.

You will love this healing land.

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