
Soulhub needs YOU!

A letter to our Soulhub Community

Friday 26th April 2024

Dear Soulhubbers,

Depending on how long you have been supporting Soulhub (unless you’ve just landed here today) you’ll have some idea about who we are, how we are, and the work we do.

It’s time to share deeper insights into the conscious, heart and soul of Soulhub.

So we invite you take one deep and slow breath…

Over the years, since Soulhub’s birth in 2015, it’s mission and strap line has slowly evolved in-line with its conscious understanding.

Today it is…


What do we actually mean?

Well, in short, it means Soulhub strive’s to understand, inspire, create and support the harmonious integration, balance and appreciation of all things and people.

Carmen and I, essentially believe in the karmic and interrelated nature of existence where diversity and contrast only play the role of showing us that, nothing is a mistake, accident or “evil” but rather opportunities for greater understanding, love, expression and evolution. Without challenge or adversity, no book, play, story or life is ever worth experiencing. It is not despite challenges and opposition that we grow it is because of challenges and opposition that we learn and grow to appreciate all of life.


Hence we believe that true wellbeing comes from the continual practice of honest and compassionate awareness and responsibility of ourselves in relation to our life experiences. In doing so, we establish greater and greater integrity and alignment of thoughts, words, and actions to ultimately enable deeper understanding, compassion and peaceful empowerment, personally and then collectively.

Hence our core values at Soulhub are:

Honesty – With self and others

Integrity – “Walk our talk” 

Kindness – To self and others

Integration – Appreciating the interdependent value of everything 

Peaceful Empowerment – Through greater awareness and alternative perspectives.

Inspirational – Expressing our uniqueness brightly and unashamedly for others to find theirs. 

The above values have created a wonderful foundation upon which we, the Soulhub Team and our community are supported by.

Integration and sharing of information forms the base of our wellbeing business model. We can no longer rely solely on collapsing and or corrupt hierarchal power structures such as governments but instead seek to engage people and community power. Combining scientifically proven timeless wisdoms such as mindfulness, meditation and movement with the latest in modern understanding and technology such as gut biome nutrition, neuro-chemistry, epi-genitics, oxygen therapy etc. As well as combining Western Medicine with Eastern Medicine and building bridges between the scientific and spiritual worlds.

Soulhub has now grown to that point now where it needs to expand to the next stage in order to thrive. Gratefully life has synchronistically presented us with some truly exciting opportunities that would mean we can positively impact and support a lot more people….But we can’t do it alone.

So if you are feel inspired, aligned or resonant with the above, we would deeply appreciate your kind ideas, thoughts, connections and overall support, be it great or small.

Below are 3 ways we’re asking for the support of the community. Each option allows for a variety of support.

Such as, introductions to relevant people you know, sending us ideas of how to raise capital or just sharing this email with others who you think maybe interested.

We also have lots of new events from the Soulhub Team in the events section below, so please do scroll down.

Let’s do this….

Carmen & Andrew

Soulhub Sanctuary

Soulhub Sanctuary

A magical and sacred place has appeared in our world. It’s a beautiful Georgian property with 5 acres on the edge of a great forest. A place where all, no matter background or financial status, would be welcome to come find peace, enlightenment and rejuvenation. For the purpose helping heal people and planet.

The cost is £4M.

We’ve been exploring many buying options, and we’re looking for, ideally an investor that wants to partner with us to make a positive step change in the world.

This could be a professional property developer, a successful business person, a philanthropic investor, or a mystic!  We know there is an abundance of money (value) in the world, and we’d just like to connect with it for the greater good.

Dance Al Fresco

Community Events

As you know we’ve been running free or donation based Soulwalks and our Dance Al Fresco since 2017. They are  connection and community spaces for people to come together to get to know their neighbours, build connection, ultimately to…

‘Create healthier, happier and safer communities’

We’d love to widen the reach and take these events around the country (even world) to other communities. We have wonderful plans for how to do it but we need:

Partners willing to fund the expansion (Local, National or Global businesses)

Partners to raise awareness of our work (e.g. media, social, podcasts, brands or people with significant reach)

Payment in Kind ….(Philanthropists, donors…)

If you know of someone, or maybe it’s you who can support us, please click here to set up a call with Carmen & Andrew.

Soulhub Journal

Soulhub Journal

We love the journal. I’m sure you do too.

It’s been an incredible sources of content and stories but most importantly it’s led us to connect to wonderful people around the world, and share stories which are rarely, often never told. Our writers and artists have hardly ever been published, and so this really is a book of ‘untold stories’ through the medium of creative writing, poetry and art. We feel there’s nothing like it out there. Stories from around the world, connected by the question we posed to them all, ‘What makes you feel soulful?’

Because we loved it so much, we’re are creating another one. This time, including our favourite Soul Places from around the world that in a variety of ways facilitate wellbeing of people and planet.

It’s a mammoth undertaking, but one we feel passionate about. We did have a magazine publisher for the individual journals from 2015-2019 before Covid. However when we decided to bring them into one book we self-published it through Amazon. This time we’d like to do it differently, and work with a publisher again who’d be keen to bring the stories to a wider audience around the world.

Do you know any publishers who’s be willing to partner with us?

To Conclude

If you’d like to make contact about any of the above, or new ideas which have formed, then please drop Carmen or Andrew an email here. We’d love to hear from you, how little or big your suggestion or support is.

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