Soulhub Events

The Ups and Downs of of Being a Soulpreneur

After nearly 10 years, it feels a good time to talk about our journey of visioning, co-creating and building, including the ups and downs, the community and consultancy that is Soulhub Ltd.

This won’t be your usual talk on how to “Go from start up to millions” (because it’s not that!) or the “How to hook in your customers and get them to buy more”, because we’re not that either.

It will be an honest and vulnerable talk about a community and business that is running like no other we know. We have no big business plans or quarterly goals.

We follow our intuition. We do what feel is important and we do what we love, but most importantly we strive to live with honesty, integrity and kindness…being living examples of what we advocate.

Our biggest success is that many of our Soulhub Team are still with us from the beginning and love being part of the community.  Every week we also have people contacting us, saying how much they love who, how and what we deliver. Such as our monthly Soulwalks and Dance Al Fresco events that bring the local community together across the cultural, class, race and aged demographics.

The other biggest win is that we (mostly) actually enjoy doing it all.


Having days that are challenging and that test or refine our commitment and faith to our life purpose. The constant marketing and striving for peoples limited time and attention, can be tiring and disheartening. It does not help that what we offer is not easily definable and or measurable. It is also not a magic pill…wellbeing takes time and self responsibility.

Most people our age own their own home and have some financial security…this is not the case for us. We have had to learn to trust the flow of life when clients come and go as they please.

However, our wealth is measured in our abundance of friendships and freedom to work when, how and with whom we choose.

Each day we choose to dance with life, whether the universal DJ is playing rock and roll jive, slow waltz or a smooth foxtrot. We dance through life one moment, one breath and one step at a time. For we are choose to be the captains of our ship and of our souls.

If you want to hear more, and even discuss your needs for setting up a more conscious business or your own therapeutic practice then come join us.

Here’s the link to register, and make a donation to join.

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