On IWD our Soulhub women decided that they wanted to offer some support and insights into what it’s like to be a woman in their world in 2022.
We decided to call it ‘being woman in 2022’. Short conversations about their work and experience with others. Given the diversity in background, history, the work they do with clients and within our communities and their education and studies, we all have unique perspectives on what it means to be a woman in today’s world.
So far we’ve had 4 short conversations which can be found below. We spoke about the balancing of feminine and masculine energies, about mothering, and about finding safety in our bodies and minds.
We’d love to know if you found these useful and why. Please share in the comments below.
Andrea Lucas – Psychotherapist & Body Worker
Maya Oppenlander – Holistic Coach
Nancy Joyce Hunter – Universal Laws Coach
Link’s through to Soulhub Instagram here
Lynn Rae – Remedial Face & Jaw Therapist
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