Mental Health / Soulhub Events

Candlelit Connections

No matter who or where you are, we care HOW you are!

We all experience dark, challenging times at some point in our lives, whether it’s facing an illness, a loss of someone or something, fear, discrimination, intolerance or disempowerment.

We appreciate how uniquely different everyone is and how it can feel like no one really understands or gets you. Hence we do not profess to have the answers, only you have the answers to your problems!

However, we do know that when problems or emotions are shared in caring and supportive environments, the process can be very therapeutic and even transformational. Allowing you a chance to be witnessed while you taste and feel into your own experiences to find courage, honest alignment and integrity balanced with compassion, love and forgiveness of self and other.

From this transformative place, the ripple affect is infinite.

Which is why here at Soulhub we wanted to offer our community a light.

Not just any light…a candlelight of FIRE.

“With one candle you can light a thousands candles without diminishing the light or life of the previous candle.”

Since humans have lived in caves, fire has been a place to gather for protection, warmth, nourishment, inspiration and prayer. Fire is also been used to light the way, to burn, purify or transform what is no longer needed and last but not least reminds us of the Spirit that lives and animates all things.

So wherever you are in the world, whatever your beliefs or background we welcome you to find a quiet spot, light a candle and join us for Candlelit Connections during the Christmas holidays. A safe and loving space for your heart and soul to be witnessed, loved and supported.

It’s a gentle therapeutic sharing and meditation circle. Where you are free to express how you are feeling through talking, reading a poem, playing some music, or even just sitting in silence to listen and know that you are not alone.

Each session will offer guided meditations and simple breathing exercises to help sooth the nervous system. There is no therapy, no judgement or opinions on what you share. Just your personal words, emotions and experiences which want to be expressed.

Each day at 5pm from Thursday 23rd December through to Friday 31st December (aside from Christmas Day) we will hold a safe space online for an hour until 6pm.

Please register here on Eventbrite (up to 5 mins before 5pm on the day) so we have your details and can ensure a safe container for sharing.  We have made it possible, if you feel inspired, to make a small donation to support Soulhub, this money will go toward offering more support for those experiencing deeply challenging times.

Share away with those you know might find this valuable, and we look forward to connecting with you.

Bring your candle if you feel called to. The circle will be held by Andrew Cuerden and Carmen Rendell.


About Author

Carmen Rendell is the founder of Soulhub.

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