‘Magic happens in-between’. And he, David Hieatt, was right in so many ways.
It wasn’t what I expected from The DO Lectures in 2018. In fact, I had no idea what to expect when I arrived, following a 5 hour drive with my car-sharing buddy, into the fields overlooking Cardigan Bay.
Sometimes it’s the best way to be. No expectations. For me, it was a reward to myself for graduating from my counselling diploma. No more essays. No more case studies. No more Thursday’s with my classmates. A new freedom. Time. And what better gift-to-self, than to head to the land of the curious.
It’s a special place. You’d expect more of a tree-hugger vibe, and by that I mean, those of us you’d find in Glastonbury. But this was different. Suits with consciousness. Some might not even know it yet. But the array of people soon became apparent. Men and women I’d often find playing hockey against. Or opposite a desk, in my working life. All with an inquisitiveness to find out more. To understand purpose. To create meaning. I’m a great believer that the human race is waking up. That we’re questioning our relationships, with self and others, with the earth, with nature, with our time. What are we all doing with our limited time here? We’re restless. We want to do things differently. The old way is no longer working. Yet, many don’t know quite what to trust. And in that questioning, is a period of collecting. Collecting friends, contacts and ideas.
This is what David and co, have created. And as much as I left knowing that I am doing it. That I am creating what I want to create. There’s no ending, and I’m just somewhere on that spectrum. Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. Soulhub is my path.
On that path I met some incredible people. Two gems, Pete Davies and Steve Sullivan and a whole host of others, Rob Moore, Ben Davies, Kirsty (SoF), Phil Tidy and I was often drinking wine and chatting with my dear friend Rachel along the way. And over there, over the Extract coffee counter, I met Nathan. Because, of course, the latte lover in me, would hang around near the beans.
An Irish lad, with a glint in his eye. Being from Irish decent (my mum) I warm to the Celtic warriors in an instance, and Nathan was no different. Sporting his identifiable hat, and infectious laugh, he smiled and made me the best coffee. How could I resist? We stayed in contact, and he moved with his girlfriend close to my home in Richmond. Meeting in my soul place, Hollyhock, we chatted about our DO experience, as you DO. And it became clear to me, having followed his instagram posts, that he would be trusted with our front cover. I’m learning to trust my gut every day. And I knew, before my mind knew, that I whatever he created would be right.
It’s a strange emotion, when you just know. When you don’t have to see a portfolio, or ask how they see it, or what qualifications do they have. In all honesty. I’ve done that. I’ve lived in my commercial roles whereby the creativity is killed from the process. Too much red tape. Too many opinions. Too much debating. Allow the creatives to do their work. Allow them to express themselves. Allow them to use their own gut.
For sure it might not always come off, but more often than not, it has. More often than not, I’m allowing. Allowing Soulhub to teach me how to be in the world. Set the intention, and allow. Watch the flow. Bring others with you. Empower and trust others to bring themselves fully. Otherwise, why ask them right?
And so here we are. Nathan asked me.
“Shall I send you some options?”
“No. Just send me the one you love. And I’ll love it.”
And I did. Easy. In flow.
Thank you DO.
You can find out more about Nathan on his website here, and more about the front cover art, when you buy the journal. Please do, as this work is beautiful. We have 14 writers and artists (later on them) who’ve poured their own souls into the pages, and it would rude not to share it as wide as we possibly can. Because, as David said, the magic happens between – between these pages!
Buy the next two Journals (annual subscription) here
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